Saturday, August 16, 2008

Off to school

It's always a surprise to me when I have to say goodbye to my son! There's something inside that yearns for him to go and learn about the ways of the world for himself and do it all on his own, and then there's that dad thing...where you want him to stay close by so that you can protect and continue to nurture.

This morning Tom was up and gone by 8 am. Headed to school and I must say, he is excited about going back! That's a blessing and answer to prayer for us. After last year we weren't sure if he would ever go back to school. It was a bit tough for him but more of not understanding the way people are. He saw and experienced things that really made him think about how ridiculous certain things are, how hypocritical people can be, the pride and arrogance of some, the backstabbing "friends"...and just plain rude and crude know, people! I think he's learning that life is tough and people are strange...but there is also a lot of good in it all. He seems to be looking for the good that will come out of this new year and for that, I am very thankful.

Here's to another year of heartache, stress, debt, and wonderful memories of a once young boy who is becoming his own man.

1 comment:

mac said...

Go, Tom, go! Stay, Tom, stay! Go, Tom, go!

It's like that, I guess. You've got a good young man there, Mark, and with all the love and spirit behind him, I think he'll be all right.