Today is my birthday. 55 years. Who knew I would make it this far? I certainly am thankful I have and hope for a few more years to be able to have some new adventures.
So...today I decided I would make a short list of some of things I have been blessed with in this life and things I hope to never forget. But if I do forget, I hope this post will still be up to help jog my memory.
I was born and raised in Seoul, Korea during a time when life was hard. The reality of war and poverty is embedded in my mind...which I assume helped shaped my character.
I was born to parents who loved me and taught me by their example. Life was for giving of yourself to those God placed around you. They lived to love...which I hope I have inherited.
I was raised with brothers and sisters who still are my best friends in life. They love, encourage, support, and bless me.
I was kissed by a girl in first grade that I had a crush on...which I assume helped me grow up to be a healthy male.
In third grade my teacher Ms. Beasley was proud of me for winning the spelling contest in our class.
In fourth grade my teacher Ms. Schwartzendruber for 3 months...made the hour long trip on a bus to my house every Saturday to teach me and give me my assignments for the week. I was in a body cast healing from a broken femur bone and she didn't want me to miss out on graduating to fifth grade with my friends.
In seventh grade we moved to Nashville. Being from another county and probably a bit odd from the other kids, the most popular girl in our school reached out to me and made me feel important and accepted.
In eighth grade I went to my first dance. I never danced. I played in the band.
My junior year, Mrs. Terry helped me pass my algebra exam by working with me after school hours for months. I'm so grateful to her for sacrificing her time for me.
In high school I dated a few beautiful girls. One was truly special and we dated til she went off to college.
After high school I moved back to Korea and played in a band with my brothers. We were able to perform for the US soldiers on bases like the 4077th Mash, a missile site, and even on a huge ship.
Moved to Los Angeles in 1976 with my brothers, played music, wrote songs, learned how to take the abuse of publishing companies who hated my songs, and found a woman to marry. Still going strong after 33 years.
Moved to Minnesota in 1979 and played in a band for three crazy years....learned a lot and became a fairly decent guitar player.
Moved to Nashville in 1982 and started playing in different bands and with some great artists. Learned to write and produce better songs and music....i think.
Produced my brothers album in the mid-eighties for release in Korea. Spent time in Korea and worked with some artists there.
Had my first songs published and recorded in 1985 (outside the ones on my brothers album).
1987...had a #1 song on CCM radio.
1987-2004...had a few radio hits, quite a few songs recorded, and worked with tons of great writers, artists, and musicians. Played in the best band ever to not get a record deal...well, at least in my mind.
1996...Adopted 2 wonderful kids.
2004...Started a new career in baseball.
2011...blessed to still be working in my new career with the greatest kids, their parents, and with my son who gave me the reason to start a new job.
All in all...I've had a good life. I'm blessed to have a woman who loves me and has supported me for all these years. Blessed to have two kids who choose to call me dad. And blessed to have so many awesome people in my family and extremely blessed to have so many good friends.
A great review of a truly great Life (so far). But it's not really complete without a line in there somewhere noting that you are a tremendous blessing to all who know you. Blessings on you, my Friend, on your birthday.
You forget to mention how you got that broken femur bone.
Just kidding!
But you did neglect to mention what a wonderful uncle you are - how you and Aunt Becky have always been such a presence in our lives. You've always been encouraging and supportive and I love you guys very much!
Hi Mark,
I hope you have a really great "speed limit" Birthday. I will toast your day when I open my first beer around 4pm.
My next Birthday will also be a speed limit, just a lot high than yours.
Love to you and Becky.
Thanks for this chronology. It helps us know you better and know better how you came to be such a tremendous individual.
(Sorry to be late with this. I've been . . . preoccupied.)
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